Sunday, November 2, 2008

The stars sing, immobilized in the sky. Flecks of light dotting an endless black sea that hides more secrets possible than the mortal mind could ever imagine. We are, after all, just another speck of light, floating in nothing but hidden thoughts and closed minds. The mysteries we seek live out of reach, closed off by boundaries of a thousand years.


Anonymous said...

The stars sing, immobilized in the sky. Flecks of light dotting an endless black sea that hides more secrets possible than the mortal mind could ever imagine. We are, after all, just another speck of light, floating in nothing but hidden thoughts and closed minds. The mysteries we seek live out of reach, closed off by boundaries of a thousand years.


googleyeyes said...

Hey Liv! Please follow HaydnSchoonyBlogging!!!!!!!! E-mail me at!

googleyeyes said...

Hey, Liiv view my blogger-see a picture of my cat. He is fat.